Inferno Inferno is a 2016 American mystery action thriller film directed by Ron Howard and written by David Koepp, loosely based on the 2013 novel of the same name by Dan Brown. Dante's Hell The idea of Dante's Inferno comes from The Divine Comedy which talks about a man's journey through hell in order to find his love, Beatrice and then walk to Heaven. Zobrist used Dante's vision of hell to describe what will happen to earth if the overpopulation problem is not controlled. Characters in Movie Professor Robert Langdon Zobrist Bertrand Dr.Sienna Brooks As the entire world is passing through the Corona pandemic, many questions arise in our mind But still we do not get answer. Let's talk about Inferno Movie's concern about how big of a problem this Overpopulation is going to be in the future. Bertrand was a scientist and a mad man who suffered from Dante's Inferno. More of the world by releasing a virus tha...