Samual Backet:
Breath Interpretation
Interpretation of play
Breath Interpretation
Interpretation of play
The duration of the play is 30 second only but very worth 30 second to give overall idea of the life. As we all know that 20th century have two world wars and also in the field of literature writers broke the traditional way and gave various theories like Nihilism, Existentialism, dadaism, etc. There are many thinkers who gave the theories of absurdity in the life and among them Samuel Beckett, one who wrote the works on absurdity in life. So, in this short play we can interpret the points like:
- Meaningless Life and death
- Influence of World war
- Philosophical suicide
Meaningless Life and Death: In the Video we can interpret the breaths with life and death. In the other adopted version we see the light and darkness, so we can connect the light with life and darkness with death. In addition, we can say that life is meaningless like the garbage. rational thinkers have question that what is the meaning of life, why we here, what is the ultimate goal of the life, our existence only to get jobs and earning money or travelling? hence everything is absurd in life, life is meaningless it is spend like the 30 second. People come and go but nothing is permanent.
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