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Hello Everyone, Here you can find my whole work for Sem1. I put my all  assignments some activities like Micro-Simulations lessons ,Reflective reading ,Art in Education, Film Review, School Visit Report.

I learned lots of thing during my First sem. I learned how to teach in classroom, Some small techniques , Skills like Explaining, Examples, Question skill, Introduction etc.

Click On Title and You will find my Work. I hope it will helps you.


Curriculum Development Principals

Psychology of Learners

Perspective in Education

PS 02 Language, Social Science, Economics

LPC 1 Gujrati Language

Other Activities

Micro Lessons and Simulations

EPC 1 Reflective Reading

EPC 2 Art in Education

Film Review

School Visit


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સંસ્કૃત શીખવવાના સામાન્ય ઉદ્દેશ્યો

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