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Views on Girish karnad

Girish karnad

Girish karnad is famous writer in India.He wrote many plays. He believes in Marxist ideology. He many times spoke against the Power. So the Government recounted to Girish karnad and potraited him as "Urban Naxal".
There are different types of views about Girish karnad positive and nagative which is right we can not say because our perspective is observe things don't be judgmental.

Born on May 19, 1938, in Mathern, Maharastra, Girish Karnad has become one of India's brightest shining stars, earning international praise as a playwright, poet, actor, director, critic, and translator. As a young man studying at Karnataka University, Dharwar, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mathematics and Statistics in 1958, Karnad dreamed of earning international literary fame, but he thought that he would do so by writing in English. Upon graduation, he went to England and studied at Oxford where he earned a Rhodes Scholarship and went on to receive a Master of Arts Degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics. He would eventually achieve the international fame he had dreamed of, but not for his English poetry. Instead, Karnad would earn his reputation through decades of consistent literary output on his native soil.
His first play, Yahati (1961), was written neither in English nor in his mother tongue Konkani. Instead, it was composed in his adopted language Kannada. The play, which chronicled the adventures of mythical characters from the Mahabharata, was an instant success and was immediately translated and staged in several other Indian languages. His best loved play, however, would come three years later. By the time Tughlaq, a compelling allegory on the Nehruvian era, was performed by the National School of Drama, Karnad had established himself as one of the most promising playwrights in the country. He soon quit his post at the Oxford University Press, deciding to focus all of his energies on his writing.
For four decades, Karnad has continued to compose top-notch plays, often using history and mythology to tackle contemporary themes. He has also forayed into the jungle of cinema, working alternately as an actor, director, and screenwriter, and earning numerous awards along the way. At the age of sixty, however, Karnad is vowing to give up cinema for the stage. "I've had a good life," he says. "I have managed to do all I could wish for--even be a government servant! Now I feel whatever time I have left should be spent doing what I like best--writing plays.

Disfavour views on Girish karnad.

 We can say that Anchor told about nagative views on Girish karnad. Anchor told that Girish karnad is traitor. And potrait his image as anti national. And also called him as anti-Hindu. Girish karnad many times criticize for his famous play "Tughlaq". In this play he potrait Tughlaq as Hero so mostly Rightist or nationalist people don't like it. He is good political satirist. Tughlaq character is actually a real image of Nahru dynasty which is potrait in play. He always  spoke in favor of Muslim king rather than Hindu king. He has been told that Tipu sultan is greater than Shivaji Maharaj which is not tolerated by the Nationalist people. Another blame on Girish karnad is that he is supporter of JNU students. In last time big controversy occurred that many JNU students spoke against the India but  which is not prove. So we can say that for Nationalist, Religious, Politicians etc do not like the Girish karnad.

Favour views on Girish karnad

Girish karnad is voice of voiceless people . He spoke against the Capitalism, Religion, Power etc. He always think about poor people, Secularism, democracy, Art etc. He believes in Marxist ideology so many powerful people called him as Naxal. But still he continues talk about  Democracy, Secularism, freedom, equality etc.
Girish karnad was more than just a accomplished actor and celebrated playwright. He is strong voice who are religious fundamentalist and defended freedom of expression. He is true type of artist who always speak against the Power. We can say that Artist should be against the Power. He told that we don't need to celebrities like a Amitabh Bachchan.
He passed away in Bengaluru on 10 june at the age of 81.


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